New Album “THE AXE”

Well, the new album “The Axe” is as good as finished, I expect it to ready in the coming week so I can order the CD’s and send them out to my Kickstarter supporters!
For the online release I expect it to be released in the middle of March
I added a page with all the info about the new album, check it out, lyrics are going to be added pretty soon as well.
Marcel Coenen – The Axe Info


And here it is! I opened another kickstarter project to pre-order a physical copy of my new upcoming album! You can also book a guitar lesson with it, or a live stream, or even, if you live in The Netherlands, Belgium or Germany Nordrhein Westfalen, a live show at YOUR HOUSE!!!

Book it here!

Colour Journey album Remix and Remaster!

Hello all, the last few months I was in the process of remixing and remastering my 2nd solo album “Colour Journey”, I felt like the recordings were really good but the mix could be better, so I decided to go for it. In the middle of January 2024 it will be online at all the streaming services, so check it out then 🙂

Marcel Coenen & Friends!

In 2024 Marcel will play with his band Marcel Coenen & Friends, the band consists out of 5 band members, plus additional singers. The songs played is a collection out of Marcel’s solo albums Guitartalk 2021, Colour Journey and Resurrection, with some surprises added.
The band has Hans In T Zandt on drums, Rene Kroon on keys, David Maes on guitar, Richard Ritterbeeks on bass and ofcourse Marcel Coenen on guitar.
The additional singers will be a selection of singers Marcel worked with on his albums.
Some gigs are currently planned, more news soon.


Yes, Marcel is working on a new solo album, the album will get 11 songs, and has 5 vocals songs and 6 instrumentals. The vocalists for the album are:

– Eric Clayton
– Esther Brouns
– Jos Severens
– Sascha Burchardt
– Pascal Remans

In August I will start a kickstarter crowd funding campaign with which I will collect money to release physical CD versions from the album. The album will sure be online at the most well known streaming services, aiming for autumn release.