Well, the new album “The Axe” is as good as finished, I expect it to ready in the coming week so I can order the CD’s and send them out to my Kickstarter supporters!
For the online release I expect it to be released in the middle of March
I added a page with all the info about the new album, check it out, lyrics are going to be added pretty soon as well.
Marcel Coenen – The Axe Info
And here it is! I opened another kickstarter project to pre-order a physical copy of my new upcoming album! You can also book a guitar lesson with it, or a live stream, or even, if you live in The Netherlands, Belgium or Germany Nordrhein Westfalen, a live show at YOUR HOUSE!!!
Book it here!
Shop reopened, Marcel Coenen & Friends Live Video and more now available!
The shop section of the website got an update, from now there are three video’s available for purchase.
The new recorded show of Marcel Coenen and Friends, in March 2024, is now available as a purchase in the shop as a digital download, the same for my two other instructional video’s Speed Up and Moyra.
Go there: shop
Colour Journey album Remix and Remaster!
Hello all, the last few months I was in the process of remixing and remastering my 2nd solo album “Colour Journey”, I felt like the recordings were really good but the mix could be better, so I decided to go for it. In the middle of January 2024 it will be online at all the streaming services, so check it out then 🙂

Marcel Coenen & Friends!
In 2024 Marcel will play with his band Marcel Coenen & Friends, the band consists out of 5 band members, plus additional singers. The songs played is a collection out of Marcel’s solo albums Guitartalk 2021, Colour Journey and Resurrection, with some surprises added.
The band has Hans In T Zandt on drums, Rene Kroon on keys, David Maes on guitar, Richard Ritterbeeks on bass and ofcourse Marcel Coenen on guitar.
The additional singers will be a selection of singers Marcel worked with on his albums.
Some gigs are currently planned, more news soon.

NEW Soloalbum “Resurrection” Out now!
My new soloalbum “Resurrection” has been released on a lot of streaming websites at the 1st of October.
Check it out and support me by buying the album online.
Physical CD’s are also being made, they will arrive in a few weeks, so from then also these will be available.
Check my new album out at:
Yes, Marcel is working on a new solo album, the album will get 11 songs, and has 5 vocals songs and 6 instrumentals. The vocalists for the album are:
– Eric Clayton
– Esther Brouns
– Jos Severens
– Sascha Burchardt
– Pascal Remans
In August I will start a kickstarter crowd funding campaign with which I will collect money to release physical CD versions from the album. The album will sure be online at the most well known streaming services, aiming for autumn release.
Buy my Lesson DVD “MOYRA” as Hardcopy DVD!
My Guitarlesson DVD “Moyra” can now be purchased as a hardcopy from the link below:


Yes, the CD is available for purchase !
You can follow the link below to order the CD: